The blank page is a scary thing...
Hi. I'm Chris. My first PC (after an Apple //c) was a ThinkPad 750P purchased new. I sold that, and after a few years, the friend I sold it to gave it back to me. I have had many ThinkPads over the years, and never any other laptop. I also have a couple IBM servers in the house. Awesome machines, each one.
Latest status:
- 750P - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS installed. No GUI attempted as of yet.
- 600X - Used sometimes for testing latest distributions.
- T60 - Daily use running Fedora 8 for web development, and Windows Vista for games.
- 560E and 570 just sit around collecting dust at the moment.
ThinkPads in the family I maintain:
- X22, 600E, A30
Linux still doesn't work perfectly on any of my ThinkPads, but I hope to get there some day.
--Whizkid 23:51, 18 February 2008 (CET)