Installing Slackware on a ThinkPad 750P
This is a working document
I am writing this as I attempt installation.
I plan to make my 750P an SMB file and print server.
With this document, I plan to tell you how to install Slackware 10.1 on your 750.
The 750 has only 4MB RAM built-in. Linux really likes more than that. Thankfully, you can add a 32MB RAM card to the 750. 36MB should be enough for a few tasks.
The 750 has no CD drive, and I don't have a PCMCIA CD drive, so I have to boot from floppy and install over a network. Slackware supports installing over NFS.
The NIC I'm using is the LinkSys PCMPC200, which mostly works. It doesn't seem to like NFS, so I'm using the fizban FTP method. Fizban's page.
If you get NFS installation working, please edit this page.
The 750 BIOS will recognize hard drives up to 8GB, so ensure your boot partition is entirely under that limit. I have a 12GB drive in my 750P, and Linux will use the entire drive once the kernel loads, as it does not use the BIOS to access the hard disk.
The Steps
Download these standard Slackware floppies: bare.i, install.1, install.2, pcmcia and network. If using fizban, download his modified install.2 as well.
Choose an IP address. Get your IP gateway and netmask.
On another machine, set up an NFS or FTP server with the contents of the Slackware CD's.
Booting and connecting to the network
Download the bare.i, install.1, install.2, and pcmcia Slackware floppies. Boot the 750 with the bare.i disk. The following line of parameters will suit our needs.
ramdisk floppy=thinkpad idebus=33 noacpi noscsi nousb nopci
floppy=thinkpad needed for old ThinkPads that have the drive sense signal polarity inverted. The 750 does. idebus=33 tells the kernel that the ide bus runs at 33MHz. (Surprise!) noxxx means the kernel should not even look for that kind of device, because it's not present on the 750.
Insert install.1 when it asks for the root disk. Continue with the fizban modified install.2 when prompted.
Login as root. If you have a 750 or 750P (and its grayscale screen), you can type "TERM=vt100" to get menus with higher contrast, but I think the color menus are nicer even on the grayscale screen. Insert your NIC if not done already. Type pcmcia. Put in the pcmcia floppy when asked. Configure your card:
ifconfig eth0 $IPADDR
Add netmask $NETMASK if you use a non-standard one.
For me the command was ifconfig eth0 Then make sure you can route to the internet:
route add -net default gw $GTWAY netmask
Test your network by pinging your NFS or FTP server.
Partitioning your disk
Make partitions on your disk. Remember to ensure your /boot partition is in the first 1024 cylinders or 8GB. Use mke2fs to format them. Here's what I did after partitioning:
mke2fs /dev/hda3 mke2fs -j /dev/hda6
Your partition numbers will be different. I have two FAT partitions as /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2.
Enable FTP Installation
Type network and insert the modified network diskette when asked. Let it skip identifying your card, as it is already working. Once it quits, type modprobe ftpfs.
Running Setup
Use that to start installation. The normal installtion procedure should work pretty well from here. (But crossing your fingers won't hurt.)