ATI fglrx driverThis is a binary-only driver for ATI graphic chips with support for 3D acceleration. Availability / Project HomepageHome page: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=356 PackagesThe ATI drivers have explicit permission for repackaging and redistribution of the Linux drivers. Many distributions are supported within the installer, and many more repackaged by external developers. Please visit the Distribution Page at the Unofficial ATI driver Wiki
Building for Xorg 7.0To compile for Xorg 7.0.0, fake Xorg 6.9.0 by
Next, one needs to move the various resulting libraries and modules from /usr/X11R6 to /usr/lib/xorg In /usr/src/ATI additional sources are installed for fireglcontrol and fgl_glxgears StatusCurrent version: 8.24.8 (13th April 2006) Major changes:
Known problems and solutionsSee Problems with fglrx. User experienceSpeedHow much is the speed gain versus the opensource drivers? Compared to the old drivers, approximately 40% speed gain have been noticed with fglrx. However, there are issues with freezing/garbage after suspend, garbage when resizing desktop (via ctrlaltplus, ctrlaltminus), and garbage while using VMware. The current 8.14.13 has shown 400% improvement over using the open source radeon driver: 1200 FPS for glxgears1! NOTE!
Video overlay acceleration may be disabled when 3D acceleration is enabled. The following comment from the xorg.conf file bundled with the fglrx driver indicates that:
# === OpenGL Overlay === # Note: When OpenGL Overlay is enabled, Video Overlay # will be disabled automatically Option "OpenGLOverlay" "1"However, you can use either regular Xv video overlay or make the video an opengl texture and let the OpenGL engine scale your video. This has nothing to do with the acceleration of 2D drawing primitives. Further, your mileage on performance may vary depending on what card you have. The open source drivers don't support newer cards, while the ATI drivers don't support older cards. Power savingPower saving is much better than with the radeon driver, but doesn't work in dual-screen configuration (see How to make use of Graphics Chips Power Management features). Useful links
ThinkPads that may be supportedSupported chips, as found in select IBM ThinkPads: