Installing OpenSUSE 10.3 on a ThinkPad R61

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Lenovo Thinkpad R61 8919-6VG, BIOS 7KET71WW (1.21)


This installation instruction describes these parts that do not or do not completely work after my OpenSUSE 10.3 Final DVD installation.

Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M

When booting the installation DVD, do NOT select the resolution of 1280x1024 in GRUB. This is because SaX will not configure the native resolution in this case. Choose 800x600 or 1024x768.

To install and configure the NVIDIA driver, follow the instructions of the openSUSE Wiki [1]. As an alternative, add the NVIDIA Repository via Community Repositories in YaST.

Sound: AD1984

After installation, the speaker is turned off and the headphone is turned on. Use alsamixer to turn on the speaker switch. When using kmix in the "Mixer Window" there is a "Switches" tab where the speaker can be turned on. Then, select "PCM" as the "Master Channel" to be able to easily change the volume by, e.g., using the mouse wheel over the KMix tray icon.



The TouchPad is not a Synaptics but a ALPS. Furthermore, it is just recognized as a "PS/2 Generic Mouse" (hwinfo --mouse) by the kernel. Thus, the Synaptics TouchPad driver for X does not work. Consequently, there are no advandced features like scrolling available.


SaX configures the Trackpoint in a way that it can be used to perform scrolling, similar to Windows.

This does not work, if there is an external wheel mouse connected while SaX is detecting the hardware.

Power Management

The machine is known to s2ram, but the chosen fixes do not work with the NVIDIA driver. A simple call of s2ram -f is sufficient, there are no fixes needed. See [2] for configuring s2ram options permanently.

Integrated Fingerprint Reader

ThinkFinger does not work. This is because the fingerprint sensor is now a UPEK TouchStrip (USB vendor ID 0x147e).