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Revision as of 02:59, 14 October 2011 by Resplin (Talk | contribs) (Pointed at useful utilities to explore.)
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Thinkpad Tablets are Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) Devices.

As such, they do not support the USB mass storage protocol. Transferring files to the tablet must be done over Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). MTP is considered superior to USB Mass Storage because it allows multiple devices to attach to the device at the same time (the tablet can continue to use the SD card even while it is mounted to an external device). However, it is a proprietary protocol, so Linux support is spotty.

I got some limited access to the device editing UDEV rules as follows: ATTRS{idVendor}=="17ef", ATTRS{idProduct}=="741c", ENV{ID_GPHOTO2}="1", ENV{GPHOTO2_DRIVER}="proprietary", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", MODE="0664", GROUP="audio",

Thank you to the author of this page:

Kubuntu can now see the device as a camera, but Dolphin errors when I try to access it.

libmtp is supposed to help.

This utility uses ADB to put files onto a Honeycomb device. I haven't tried it yet:

This utility exposes an MTP device over Fuse: It is in the Debian repositories, but I don't understand how to tell it which device to use.

I am hoping others can post their findings here.

Pages in category "Tablet"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.