S3 Savage IX8
S3 Savage IX8 or IX8+This is a S3 video adapter The IX8 and IX8+ chips share the same PCI-ID Features
Linux X.Org driver
This chip is supported by the 'savage' driver as part of the X.Org distribution
ThinkPad LCD
Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correct.
External VGA port
Works. Fn-F7 switches between either LCD and CRT but not both. To use both, use s3switch.
SVideo port
Linux kernel Framebuffer driver
This chip will work with either the 'vesa' or 'savagefb' driver as part of any recent 2.4 or 2.6 kernel.
To get nice 1400x1050 (some models have such display) resolution in console try adding: vga=0x33c video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr to your bootloader (as kernel option).