ThinkPad Button
System Boot
Pressing Access IBM or ThinkVantage at system boot can launch the Predesktop Area. This depends on a specific setting of the BIOS Setup Utility and on the availability of either a Hidden Protected Area or a Rescue and Recovery partition. See the linked pages for details.
Linux support
Using tpb
Under Linux, the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys can be enabled using tpb.
I.e., to make pressing the Access IBM Button launch ntpctl, add the following line /etc/tpbrc file:
THINKPAD /usr/bin/X11/xterm -T ntpctl -e ntpctl
To make pressing the Access IBM Button launch the ThinkWiki homepage in Firefox, add the following line:
THINKPAD /usr/bin/firefox
See the tpb page and the ThinkPad special keys HOWTO for more information.
Using KDE
KDE supports assigning actions to (some) ThinkPad special keys, through the ThinkPad buttons KMilo plugin.
It can be activated and configured in the KDE Control Center (kcontrol), under System Administration --> IBM Thinkpad Laptop.
Windows support (2000 or XP)
If you want to customize the program that is launched when the ThinkPad, Access IBM or ThinkVantage button is pressed while the machine is running Windows (2000 or XP) you can change the following registry entry:
Here are the default values for the original IBM version:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\TPHOTKEY\8001] "File"="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Access IBM\\aibm.exe" "DispName"="Access IBM"
And these are the default values for the Lenovo version:
Related Links
Models featuring this Technology
"ThinkPad" button
- ThinkPad A20m, A20p, A21e, A21m, A21p, A22e, A22m, A22p, A30, A30p, A31, A31p, A275, A285, A475, A485
- ThinkPad R30, R31, R32
- ThinkPad T20, T21, T22, T23, T30
- ThinkPad X20, X21, X22, X23, X24, X30
- ThinkPad TransNote
- ThinkPad S30, S31
"Access IBM" button
- ThinkPad G40, G41
- ThinkPad R40, R40e, R50, R50e, R50p, R51, R51e, R52
- ThinkPad T40, T40p, T41, T41p, T42, T42p, T43, T43p
- ThinkPad X31, X32, X40, X41, X41 Tablet
"ThinkVantage" button