How to make use of Dynamic Frequency Scaling

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Linux supports Dynamic Frequency Scaling for ThinkPads with mobile Pentium III, Pentium 4 and Pentium M processors.

configuring the kernel

2.4 kernels


2.6 kernels


If you have a Coppermine-piix-smi based Thinkpads like from the A2x, X2x and T2x series you might want to look at this page.

If you have a p4-class celeron based Thinkpad like the R40e you might want to look at this page

If you have a ThinkPad T23 load the following hardware specific module:

 * speedstep-ich

Since 2.6.10, there is the ondemand governor in the kernel, which replaces any userspace daemon for cpu scaling and works very well.

configuring SpeedStep daemons

To use any of the following user space frequency scaling daemons you need to load the module:

  • cpufreq-userspace

There are plenty of userspace frequency scaling daemons available: