- !/usr/bin/perl
- Keep two ThinkPad batteries (system battery and UltraBay) at similar charge levels
- during discharge by switching back and forth. This reduces wear on the UltraBay
- battery, compared to the hardware's default strategy of fully draining the UltraBay
- battery before switching to the system battery.
- WARNING: This script is experimental and uses undocumented hardware features.
- WARNING: If this script crashes, your battery may be forced to keep draining until empty.
- Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later.
use strict; use warnings; use File::Slurp;
my $thresh = 3; # difference between battery charge levels that justifies switching (hysteresis)
my $default_discharge = 0; # the battery that's discharged as first priority by the BIOS my $smapi_dir = '/sys/devices/platform/smapi';
my $ac_connected; my @bat_installed; my @bat_remaining; my @bat_state; my @bat_power_avg; my @bat_force_discharge;
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { die("# Killed by SIG$_[0]\n"); };
sub read_chomp_file {
my ($filename) = @_; my ($x) = read_file($filename) or die "Cannot read $filename\n"; chomp($x); return $x;
sub read_status {
$ac_connected = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/ac_connected"); for my $b (0..1) { $bat_installed[$b] = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/installed"); $bat_force_discharge[$b] = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/force_discharge"); if ($bat_installed[$b]) { $bat_remaining[$b] = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/remaining_percent"); $bat_state[$b] = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/state"); $bat_power_avg[$b] = read_chomp_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/power_avg") / 1000.0; } }
sub print_status {
print " "; sub print_bat { my ($b) = @_; my ($ll,$lr,$rl,$rr) = $b ? ('-','>','<','-') : ('<','-','-','>'); my $icon = sprintf("[%3s]", $bat_installed[$b] ? $bat_remaining[$b]."%" : ""); my $arrow; my $state = $bat_state[$b]; if ($state eq 'charging') { $arrow = sprintf("$ll--%4.1f--$lr", $bat_power_avg[$b]); } elsif ($state eq 'discharging') { $arrow = sprintf("$rl--%4.1f--$rr", -$bat_power_avg[$b]); } elsif ($state eq 'idle') { $arrow = " "; } else { die "Unknown state $state for battery $b"; } print($b ? "$arrow$icon" : "$icon$arrow"); } print_bat(0); print($ac_connected ? ' {AC} ' : ' { } '); print_bat(1); print("\n");
sub choose_discharge {
# Choose which battery to discharge
sub set_force_discharge { my ($b,$on) = @_; return if $b!=$default_discharge; # the non-default battery will be discharged only when necessary anyway return if $bat_force_discharge[$b]==$on; write_file("$smapi_dir/BAT$b/force_discharge", ($on?'1':'0')) or die ("Cannot write to $smapi_dir/BAT$b/force_discharge: $!\n"); print("# setting force_discharge on battery $b to $on\n"); $bat_force_discharge[$b] = $on; }
if ($ac_connected || !$bat_installed[0] || !$bat_installed[1]) { for $b (0..1) { set_force_discharge($b,0); } } else { if ($bat_remaining[0] > $bat_remaining[1] + $thresh) { set_force_discharge(0,1); set_force_discharge(1,0); } elsif ($bat_remaining[1] > $bat_remaining[0] + $thresh) { set_force_discharge(0,0); set_force_discharge(1,1); } }
while (1) {
read_status; print_status; choose_discharge; sleep(5);
print("# Cleanup\n"); write_file("$smapi_dir/BAT0/force_discharge", ('0')); write_file("$smapi_dir/BAT1/force_discharge", ('0'));