ATI Mobility FireGL V5200
ATI Mobility FireGL V5200This is a ATI video adapter Features
Linux X.Org driver
Not supported by the Xorg radeon driver
ThinkPad LCD
Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correct. Changing the driver from "ati" to "vesa" in xorg.conf will start X but with lower resolution than expected
Full resolution can be archived when all modelines are removed and mode 1600x1200 with depth 24 is selected
External VGA port
SVideo port
DVI port
Proprietary ATI driver
Proprietary fglrx driver does not officially support this chipset but version 8.24.8 works by adding "ChipID 0x71c5" to the xorg.conf "Device" statement and fooling it into thinking it's a X1600 mobility.
Linux kernel Framebuffer driver
Not supported.