Talk:Installing Gentoo 2007.0 on a ThinkPad R61
On my thinkpad R61, AHCI controller works on gentoo kernel 2.6.22r9 (i think i had to change /etc/fstab after installing in compatibility mode) and additionally you can install the AHCI driver on Windows 2000/XP ( and reactivate the controller in the bios. i don't really know if this always works, but with kernel 2.6.22r9 it did. Anybody else who has the same luck? then you/I may add this to the wiki. it is better you add it, because i'm german and my english is not so well. thank you.
I never said it would not work, however, in my opinion there is no good reason for using it, and as it leads to BSODs on Window Systems which do not have the AHCI driver it is more safe to disable it.
As for the english: I am swiss, so my (swiss)german and french are better than my english... you can add it if you'd like to, but I'd rather hear some more comments on this of other users.
Fingerprint reader
Could you please show the output of lsusb? I've read that fingerprint scanner from R61 is not supported by thinkfinger.