Intel Extreme Graphics 2

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Intel Extreme Graphics 2

This is an Intel video adapter


Linux X.Org driver

This chip is supported by the 'i810' driver as part of the X.Org distribution.

Hardware 3-D acceleration is available using DRI and kernel i915 module (2.6 kernel) for 16-bit depth.

You can configure 3-D acceleration by ensuring that the following is in your xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
        Identifier	"Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"
        Driver		"i810"
        BusID		"PCI:0:2:0"
        Option		"DRI"			"true"

To check that it's working, run glxinfo | grep direct and check that direct draw reports as "Yes"

There are binary drivers for SuSE and a modified X.Org distribution available from Intel.

ThinkPad LCD

Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correct.

External VGA port

At least using 6.9.0, the following will always enable the VGA port:

Section "Device"
        Identifier "VideoCard0"
        Driver  "i810"
        Option  "VBERestore" "yes" 
        Option  "Clone" "true"
        Option  "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP" 
        Option  "DevicePresence" "yes" 

To change to which pipe the overlay is directed (e.g. when playing a movie in xine), use:

xvattr -a XV_PIPE -v DISPLAY

Where DISPLAY is either 0 (with the above setup, the CRT) or 1 (with the above setup, the Local Flat Panal).


There seems to be many issues trying to do this from within /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XFree86.conf. The solution for basic projector or cloned output is to use the i855-crt program. Remember that this program is very raw and could damage your display equipment.

Once this is installed an example command would be (with root permissions):

# i855crt swcursor on "1024x786@85"

to stop it enter

# i855crt off

The video mode in quotes is defined in /etc/i855crt.conf or ~/.i855crt.conf.

This is specific usage information for that tool. Introducing an own tool page for it should be considered or joining this with other information in a display cloning howto page.

Using MonitorLayout and Clone options it is possible to setup cloned display with X.Org (tested with 6.9.0). Dualhead supported by Xorg driver.

SVideo port


DVI port

DVI Pass-through to a Dock or Port Replicator is not supported on any ThinkPad with this chipset.

Linux kernel Framebuffer driver

This chip will work with either the 'vesa' or 'intelfb' driver as part of any recent 2.4 or 2.6 kernel.

External Sources

ThinkPads this chip may be found in