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#!/usr/bin/perl # # tp-theft v0.5.1 # (http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Script_for_theft_alarm_using_HDAPS) # Provided under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later or # the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2 or later, at your option. # See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for the Warranty Disclaimer. # This script uses the HDAPS accelerometer found on recent ThinkPad models # to emit an audio alarm when the laptop is tilted. In sufficiently # populated environments, it can be used as a laptop theft deterrent. # Uses a state machine and some heuristics to reduce false alarms. # # By default the alarm will be activated only when the KDE screen saver is # locked. If you you open the laptop lid (or press the lid button) shortly # before or after the beginning of movement, the alarm will be suspended # (except for a brief warning) and you will get a few seconds of grace to # unlock the screen saver. You can disable this functionality by passing # the "--arm" parameter, or by setting $use_kde=0 and $use_lid=0. # # There is also an option to track a BlueTooth device (e.g., a mobile phone). # In this case, the alarm is activated (and optionally, the KDE desktop is # locked) whenever the device is turned off or too distant for a given period, # and deactivated when the BlueTooth device is nearby. You need to provide the # device's BD address. If both KDE screen saver and BlueTooth checking are # enabled, then the alarm will be activated when *either* the screensaver # is enabled or the BlueTooth device is amiss. # # To control the sound and blinkenlights, and adjust the alarm activation # parameters, see the variables below. use strict; use warnings; use FileHandle; use IO::Pipe; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time); use POSIX qw(:errno_h :signal_h); ############################## # Siren volume and content # Alarm audio volume (0..100) my $alarm_volume = 70; # Alarm command (default: synthesize a siren for 1.0 seconds): my $alarm_cmd = "sox -t nul /dev/null -t wav -s -w -c2 -r48000 -t raw - synth 1.0 sine 2000-4000 sine 4000-2000 | aplay -q -fS16_LE -c2 -r48000"; # my $alarm_cmd = "aplay keep_your_hands_off_me.wav"; # Warning audio volume (0..100) my $warn_volume = 45; # Alarm command (default: synthesize a biref siren): my $warn_cmd = "sox -t nul /dev/null -t wav -s -w -c2 -r48000 -t raw - synth 0.10 sine 2000-4000 sine 4000-2000 | aplay -q -fS16_LE -c2 -r48000"; # my $warn_cmd = "aplay warning.wav"; # Set ibm_acpi volume (0..15), if ibm_acpi is loaded with "experimental=1". # Combining $acpi_volume=15 and $alarm_volume=100 makes the alarm # dangerously loud. my $acpi_volume = 10; # Blink system LEDs when alarm activated? my $use_led = 'safe'; # 0=off, 'safe'=only LEDs whose state you can recover, 'all'=pretty blinkenlights! # Blink ThinkLight when alarm activated? my $use_light = 0; # 0=off, 1=on # Use AC state to monitor my $use_ac_state = 1; # 0=off, 1=on ############################## # Activation control # Tilt threshold (increase value to decrease sensitivity): my $thresh = 0.20; # Minimum movement duration between warning and alarm: my $min_hold = 1.3; # When armed, any movement triggers alarm. How long should it remain armed? my $arm_persist = 6; # After this many seconds of no movement, will allow a grace period again: my $grace_relax = 15; # Activate according to KDE screen saver? Otherwise, always active: my $use_kde = 1; # When screen saver locked, wait this long before activation: my $kde_lock_delay = 8; # Provide grace period if laptop lid is opened? my $use_lid = 1; # Opening a lid will grant this many seconds of grace (once): my $lid_grace = 7; # Lid must to be opened within this time to hold/pause alarm: my $lid_grace_window = 8; # Alarm will hold off this long when grace is available: my $lid_hold = 3; # Control arming according by presence of a BlueTooth token my $use_bluetooth = 0; # Lock KDE screen saver when BlueTootk is not present? my $bluetooth_lock_kde = 1; # BD address of BlueTooth token (use "hcitool scan" to find this) my $bluetooth_token_addr = '00:00:00:00:00:00'; # Consider token amiss when its received signal leve is below this (see "hcitool rssi") my $bluetooth_min_rssi = -10; # Activate if BlueTooth token not seen this long: my $bluetooth_activate_period = 12; # Disactivate if BlueTooth token seen this recently: my $bluetooth_deactivate_period = 5; # If BlueTooth detection activated KDE lock, don't do it again for this long my $bluetooth_lock_kde_interval = 30; # If BlueTooth wasn't polled for this long, disregard recent history my $bluetooth_reset_period = 10; ############################## # Other setup vars my $interval = 0.1; # sampling intervalm in seconds my $depth = 10; # number of recent samples to analyze my $verbose = 2; # 0=nothing, 1=alarms, 2=state transitions, 3=everything my $kde_check_interval = 1.5; # KDE screen saver check is expensive my $bluetooth_sleep = 1; # Sleep interval in BlueTooth check loop my $pos_file = '/sys/devices/platform/hdaps/position'; my $lid_file = '/proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state'; my $led_file = '/proc/acpi/ibm/led'; my $light_file = '/proc/acpi/ibm/light'; my $bay_file = '/proc/acpi/ibm/bay'; my $volume_file = '/proc/acpi/ibm/volume'; # load ibm_acpi with experimental=1 my $bluetooth_file = '/proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth'; # load ibm_acpi with experimental=1 my $ac_state_file = '/proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state'; # ac state my $alsactl = '/usr/sbin/alsactl'; my $amixer = 'amixer'; my $kdesktop_lock = '/usr/bin/kdesktop_lock'; my $hcitool = '/usr/bin/hcitool'; my $l2ping = '/usr/bin/l2ping'; ############################## # Utility functions sub say { my ($verb, $what) = @_; print(gmtime().": $what\n") if $verb<=$verbose; } sub slurp { # read whole file my ($filename) = @_; local $/; my $fh = new FileHandle($filename,"<") or return; return <$fh>; } sub burp { # write whole file my ($filename) = shift; my $fh = new FileHandle($filename,">") or die "Can't open $filename for writing: $!"; print $fh @_ or die "Can't write to $filename: $!"; close $fh or die "Can't close $filename after writing: $!"; } sub stddev { # standard deviation of list my $sum=0; my $sumsq=0; my $n=$#_+1; for my $v (@_) { $sum += $v; $sumsq += $v*$v; } return sqrt($n*$sumsq - $sum*$sum)/($n*($n-1)); } sub frac { my ($x) = @_; return $x-int($x); } sub max { return $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]; } my $alarm_file; # flags ongoing alarm (and also stores saved mixer settings) sub sound_alarm { # Sound alarm. Forks bash code which sets given volumes, runs the given # command, and then restores the given volumes to their saved values. my ($name, $volume, $acpi_volume, $cmd) = @_; return if (defined($alarm_file) && -f $alarm_file); say(1,$name); $alarm_file = `mktemp /tmp/tp-theft-tmp.XXXXXXXX` or die "mktemp: $?"; chomp($alarm_file); my ($acpi_vol_file, $acpi_vol_set, $acpi_vol_restore); if ($_=slurp($volume_file) and m/^level:\s+(\d+)\n/) { $acpi_vol_file = $volume_file; $acpi_vol_set = "level $acpi_volume"; $acpi_vol_restore = "level $1"; if (m/^mute:\s+on$/m) { $acpi_vol_set = "up,".$acpi_vol_set; # unmute first $acpi_vol_restore .= ",mute"; # mute last } } else { $acpi_vol_file='/dev/null'; $acpi_vol_set=''; $acpi_vol_restore=''; } system('/bin/bash', '-c', <<"EOF")==0 or die "Failed: $?"; ( trap \"echo '$acpi_vol_restore' > $acpi_vol_file; sleep 0.1; $alsactl -f $alarm_file restore; rm -f $alarm_file \" EXIT HUP QUIT TERM $alsactl -f $alarm_file store && # store ALSA echo '$acpi_vol_set' > $acpi_vol_file && sleep 0.1 && # set ACPI $amixer -q set Master $volume% unmute && # set ALSA Master $amixer -q set PCM 100% unmute && # set alsa PCM $cmd ) & # invoke command EOF } ############################## # KDE screen saver lock check if ($use_kde) { # Basic sanity check `/sbin/pidof kdesktop`; $?==0 or die "Can't use KDE, it's not running.\n"; } sub kdesktop_lock_status { # See if kdesktop_lock is running and check its cmdline and automatic lock delay my $bin = $kdesktop_lock; my $pids = `/sbin/pidof $bin`; return 'off' unless $?==0; for my $pid (split(/\s+/,$pids)) { next unless $pid =~ m/^\d+$/; # Attached to display ":0" or "localhost:0"? my $environ = slurp("/proc/$pid/environ") or next; my $good=0; my $home; for (split(/\x00/,$environ)) { $good=1 if m/^DISPLAY=(localhost)?:0$/; $home=$1 if m/^HOME=(.+)$/; # also remember its $HOME } next unless $good; # Check command line my $cmdline = slurp("/proc/$pid/cmdline") or next; $cmdline =~ m/^[^\x00]+\x00(?:([^\x00]+)\x00)?/ or die "Cannot parse $bin command line\n"; if (!defined($1)) { # Read KDE screensaver lock time defined($home) or die "Cannot find HOME in environment of $bin process"; my $rc_path = "$home/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc"; my $rc = new FileHandle($rc_path,"<") or die "Error opening $rc_path: $!"; while (<$rc>) { m/^LockGrace=(\d+)$/ and return ('auto', $1/1000.0); }; die "Cannot parse $rc_path"; } elsif ($1 eq '--forcelock') { return "force"; } } return 'off'; } my $last_kls_update = 0; # time of last update my $last_kls = 'init'; # last state seen my $last_kls_start; # when that state started my @last_kls_opwhy = (); sub check_kde_lock { # De/activate according to KDE screen saver: my $now=time(); return @last_kls_opwhy if $now < $last_kls_update + $kde_check_interval; my ($kls, $auto_delay) = kdesktop_lock_status(); $last_kls_update = time(); if ($kls ne $last_kls) { $last_kls = $kls; $last_kls_start = $now; } if ($kls eq 'off') { # no screen saver @last_kls_opwhy = (0, 'KDE screen saver not locked'); } elsif ($kls eq 'auto') { # screen saver with automatic lock if ($now >= $last_kls_start + $auto_delay + $kde_lock_delay) { @last_kls_opwhy = (1, 'KDE screen saver is auto-locked'); } } elsif ($kls eq 'force') { # screen saver with forced lock if ($now >= $last_kls_start + $kde_lock_delay) { @last_kls_opwhy = (1, 'KDE screen saver is forced-locked'); } } return @last_kls_opwhy; } # Lock KDE desktop sub force_kde_lock { return if ($last_kls eq 'auto' or $last_kls eq 'force'); say(1, "Locking KDE desktop"); # system('dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock') or die "Cannot lock KDE dekstop: $!" my %oldENV = %ENV; my $kde_pids = `/sbin/pidof -x /usr/bin/startkde`; for my $kde_pid (split(/\s+/,$kde_pids)) { my $kde_env = slurp("/proc/$kde_pid/environ") or next; %ENV = (); for (split(/\x00/,$kde_env)) { m/^(DISPLAY|HOME|XAUTHORITY|USER|DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS)=(.+)$/ and $ENV{$1} = $2; } next unless defined($ENV{DISPLAY}) and $ENV{DISPLAY} =~ m/^:/; system('dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock') and die "Cannot lock KDE dekstop: $!" } my %ENV = %oldENV; } ############################## # Lid checking if ($use_lid) { # sanity check slurp($lid_file) or die "Can't use lid via $lid_file: $!"; } my $last_lid_status = 'open'; my $last_lid_open = 0; sub check_lid { my $lid = slurp($lid_file) or return; if ($lid =~ m/state: *open$/) { $last_lid_open = time() if ($last_lid_status eq 'closed'); $last_lid_status = 'open'; } else { $last_lid_status = 'closed'; } return $last_lid_status; } ############################## # AC state checking my $ac_state; sub read_ac_state { open F, $ac_state_file; if ((<F>) =~ /^state:\s*(on|off)-line$/) { $ac_state=$1; } close F; return($1); } read_ac_state; ### used for testing print "AC: $ac_state\n"; ############################## # LED blinking # Flash LEDs sub led_activate { return if $use_led eq '0'; my $ledf = new FileHandle($led_file,">"); if (!defined($ledf)) { print "Cannot open $led_file, disabling LED indicator: $!\n"; $use_led = '0'; return; } $ledf->autoflush(1); my $base = time()*2.5; print $ledf '0 '.((frac($base)>0.7)?'on':'off')."\n"; # power if ($use_led eq 'all') { # battery -- we can't recover these print $ledf '1 '.((frac($base+0.50)>0.7)?'on':'off')."\n"; # battery, orange print $ledf '2 '.((frac($base+0.25)>0.7)?'on':'off')."\n"; # battery, yellow } print $ledf '4 '.((frac($base)>0.7)?'on':'off')."\n"; # bay print $ledf '7 '.((frac($base+0.725)>0.7)?'on':'off')."\n"; # standby } # Restore LEDs to normal state sub led_restore { return if $use_led eq '0'; my $ledf = new FileHandle($led_file,">") or die "Cannot open $led_file: $!\n"; $ledf->autoflush(1); print $ledf "0 on\n"; # power=on if ($use_led eq 'all') { # battery -- we can't recover these print $ledf "1 on\n"; print $ledf "2 on\n"; } print $ledf "7 off\n"; # power=off if (my $baydata = slurp($bay_file)) { my $is_bay = ($baydata =~ m/^status:\s*occupied$/m)?'on':'off'; print $ledf "4 $is_bay\n"; # reset to correct status } else { print $ledf "4 on\n"; # force bay on, we don't know correct status } } ############################## # ThinkLight blinking sub light_activate { return if $use_light eq '0'; my $lightf = new FileHandle($light_file,">"); if (!defined($lightf)) { print "Cannot open $light_file, disabling ThinkLight indicator: $!\n"; $use_light = '0'; return; } my $base = time()/2; print $lightf (check_lid() eq 'open' && ((frac($base)<0.1)?'on':'off'))."\n"; } sub light_restore { return if $use_light eq '0'; my $lightf = new FileHandle($light_file,">") or die "Cannot open $light_file: $!\n"; print $lightf "off\n"; # ThinkLight } ############################## # BlueTooth token detection { my $temporary_bt = 0; my $bt_pid; my $bt_pipe; my $bluetooth_last_seen = 0; # last time we saw the BlueTooth token my $bluetooth_last_read = 0; # last time we polled the BlueTooth child process my $bluetooth_ignore_missing_until = time() + $bluetooth_reset_period; if ($use_bluetooth) { # If BlueTooth is disabled, temporarily enable it slurp($bluetooth_file) or die "Can't control bluetooth via $bluetooth_file: $!"; my $bt_status = slurp($bluetooth_file); $temporary_bt = $bt_status =~ m/status:[\t]*disabled/; if ($temporary_bt) { say(1, 'BlueTooth was disabled, enabling'); burp($bluetooth_file, "enable\n"); sleep(1); } } sub bluetooth_reset { # disregard recent (negative) history $bluetooth_ignore_missing_until = max($bluetooth_ignore_missing_until, time() + $bluetooth_reset_period); } sub check_bluetooth { if (!defined($bt_pid)) { # Create new child process, which will loop checking # for the token. Each time it sees the token, it writes # the current time to a pipe that's read by the main process. $bt_pipe = new IO::Pipe; $bt_pid = fork(); die "Cannot fork BlueTooth check: $!" unless defined($bt_pid); if (!$bt_pid) { # Child $bt_pipe->writer(); $bt_pipe->autoflush(1); open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); open(STDERR, ">/dev/null"); while(1) { # Is the BlueTooth token reachable? my $res = system($l2ping,'-c','1','-t',1,$bluetooth_token_addr); die "Failed invoking l2ping: $!\n" if $res&0xFF; if ($res==0) { # Is the BlueTooth sufficiently close, as judged by signal strength? $res = `$hcitool rssi $bluetooth_token_addr`; if ($?==0 && $res =~ m/^RSSI return value: (-?[0-9]+)$/) { my $rssi = $1; printf $bt_pipe "%d\n", time() if ($rssi > $bluetooth_min_rssi); } } sleep($bluetooth_sleep); } } $bt_pipe->reader(); $bt_pipe->blocking(0); } while (1) { my $res = <$bt_pipe>; last if ($!==POSIX::EAGAIN); # busy die "Error reading from BlueTooth check child process\n" unless defined($res); $bluetooth_last_seen = $res; } my $now = time(); bluetooth_reset() if ($now > $bluetooth_last_read + $bluetooth_reset_period); $bluetooth_last_read = time(); if ($now > max($bluetooth_last_seen + $bluetooth_activate_period, $bluetooth_ignore_missing_until)) { if ($bluetooth_lock_kde) { force_kde_lock(); $bluetooth_ignore_missing_until = max($bluetooth_ignore_missing_until, time() + $bluetooth_lock_kde_interval); } return (1, "BlueTooth token not seen for $bluetooth_activate_period seconds, activating."); } elsif ($now < $bluetooth_last_seen + $bluetooth_deactivate_period) { return (0, "BlueTooth token seen during last $bluetooth_deactivate_period seconds, deactivating."); } return (); } sub bluetooth_restore { if ($temporary_bt) { say(1, 'Disabling BlueTooth'); burp($bluetooth_file, "disable\n"); } if ($bt_pid) { kill(SIGTERM, $bt_pid); waitpid($bt_pid, 0); } } } ############################## # Main code my $state; # See state machine in main loop my %state_names=(0 =>'disabled ', 0.5=>'activating ', 1 =>'active+grace', 2 =>'active ', 3 =>'hold+grace ', 4 =>'armed+grace ', 5 =>'hold ', 6 =>'armed ', 7 =>'armed-force ' ); my $state_end = 0; my $last_tilt = 0; my $arm_forced = 0; my (@XHIST, @YHIST); # sensor history my $initpower=read_ac_state(); #check power state when script runs sub set_state { my ($st, $why) = @_; say(2, "state=[".$state_names{$st}."] ($why)"); (@XHIST, @YHIST) = () if $st==0.5; led_restore() and light_restore() if defined($state) && $st==0; $state = $st; } sub get_pos { my $pos = slurp($pos_file); return undef if $!{EBUSY}; die "Can't open HDAPS file $pos_file: $!\n" if (!defined($pos) || $!); $pos =~ m/^\((-?\d+),(-?\d+)\)$/ or die "Can't parse $pos_file content\n"; return ($1,$2); } for (@ARGV) { m/^--arm/ && do { $arm_forced=1; $use_lid=0; $use_kde=0; last; }; die "Unknown parameter\n"; } set_state( ($use_kde || $use_bluetooth) ? 0 : 0.5, "init"); eval { $SIG{'HUP'}=$SIG{'INT'}=$SIG{'ABRT'}=$SIG{'QUIT'}=$SIG{'SEGV'}=$SIG{'TERM'} = sub { die "signal\n" }; while (1) { sleep(($state==0 && $use_kde) ? $kde_check_interval : $interval); check_lid() if $use_lid; # Check screensaver and BlueTooth. Activate if either says so, # otherwise deactivate if either says so. my ($op1, $why1); ($op1, $why1) = check_kde_lock() if $use_kde; my ($op2, $why2); ($op2, $why2) = check_bluetooth() if $use_bluetooth; my ($op, $why) = ( !defined($op1) || ( defined($op2) && $op2>$op1 ) ) ? ($op2,$why2) : ($op1,$why1); if (defined($op)) { if ($op==1 && $state==0) { set_state(0.5, $why); } if ($op==0 && $state>0) { set_state(0, $why); bluetooth_reset(); } } next unless $state>0; # Collect and analyze sensor data: my $now = time(); my $tilted; my ($x,$y) = get_pos() or next; # Hopefully the error is transient push(@XHIST,$x); push(@YHIST,$y); if ($state>0.5) { shift(@XHIST); shift(@YHIST); my $xdev = stddev(@XHIST); my $ydev = stddev(@YHIST); say(3,"X: v=$xdev (".join(',',@XHIST).") Y: v=$ydev (".join(",",@YHIST).")"); $tilted = ($xdev>$thresh || $ydev>$thresh); $last_tilt = $now if $tilted; } # ac state check and set when system started on battery and later plugged power cord my $power = read_ac_state(); if ($initpower eq 'off' && $power eq 'on') { $initpower='on'; } # Decide: state machine transitions if ($state==0.5) { # ACTIVATING (collecting motion data will soon activate) if ($#XHIST >= $depth && $#YHIST >= $depth) { set_state($arm_forced?7:$use_lid?1:2, "finished data collection"); } } elsif ($state==1) { # ACTIVE+GRACE (quiet for a long time, awaiting movement) if ($tilted) { set_state(3, "motion detected, holding for $lid_hold seconds, open lid for grace"); $state_end = $now + $lid_hold; sound_alarm("WARNING", $warn_volume, $acpi_volume, $warn_cmd); } } elsif ($state==2) { # ACTIVE (short for a shorter time, awaiting movement) if ($tilted) { set_state(5, "motion detected, holding for $min_hold seconds"); $state_end = $now + $min_hold; sound_alarm("WARNING", $warn_volume, $acpi_volume, $warn_cmd); } else { if ($use_lid && ($now > $last_tilt + $grace_relax )) { set_state(1, "$grace_relax seconds since last motion, so allowing grace again"); } } } elsif ($state==3) { # HOLD+GRACE (recent movemvent, but still holding off alarm; after long quiet) if ($now < $last_lid_open + $lid_grace) { set_state(5, "lid opened, holding for $lid_grace seconds grace period"); $state_end = $now + $lid_grace; } elsif ($now >= $state_end) { my $delta = $lid_grace_window - $lid_hold; $state_end = $now + $delta; set_state(4, "hold ended, arming but allowing grace for $delta more seconds"); } } elsif ($state==4) { # ARMED+GRACE (armed, but recently quiet so allow grace if lid opened) if ($now < $last_lid_open + $lid_grace) { set_state(5, "lid opened, holding for $lid_grace seconds grace period"); $state_end = $now + $lid_grace; } elsif ($now >= $state_end) { set_state(6, "grace window ended"); } } elsif ($state==5) { # HOLD (recent movement, but still holding off alarm; there was recent action) if ($now >= $state_end) { set_state(6, "hold ended, arming"); } } elsif ($state==6) { # ARMED (sound alarm on any movement) if ($now > $last_tilt + $arm_persist) { set_state(2, "no motion for $arm_persist seconds, unarming"); } } # LEDs: if ($state>0) { led_activate(); light_activate(); } # Alarm: # included initpower state if (($state==4 || $state==6 || $state==7) && ($tilted || ($power eq 'off') && $initpower eq 'on')) { sound_alarm("ALARM", $alarm_volume, $acpi_volume, $alarm_cmd); } } }; print "Shutting down.\n" if $verbose>1; led_restore() and light_restore() if ($state>0); bluetooth_restore(); die "$@" if $@;