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'''Some of this is copied verbatim from [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/131406 my bug report #131406]''' Other bits were taken from the [[http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_%28Gutsy_Gibbon%29_Tribe_3_on_a_ThinkPad_T61 Tribe 3 instructions]].
#REDIRECT [[Installing Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) on a ThinkPad T61]]
== Initial Install ==
'''Issue #1:''' The initial install from the live CD graphical installer does not work if the laptop is in SATA AHCI mode. You have to go into the BIOS and set the SATA controller to "Compatibility" mode or else you get a "can't access tty" error. (After Ubuntu is intalled you can set the controller back to AHCI mode.)
'''Issue #2:''' The initial install from the live CD graphical installer hangs with a blank tan screen after gdm loads. It is clear that gdm is running, but the desktop never actually loads. The solution is to (a) switch to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), (b) run "sudo bash", (c) type "killall gdm", and (d) type "/etc/init.d/gdm start". Note that "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" does not work for step (c) -- you have to run "killall gdm".
== Video ==
At higher resolutions, the gnome toolbars function in a smaller area than the rest of the desktop. This is because the TV output is turned on. If you see the login screen show up in the top-left corner of the screen, taking up only 2/3 of the screen, then you have this issue and you'll need to disable the TV output.
To turn the TV output off and fix the small desktop issue, add the following section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
  Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "TVOutput"
    Option "Disable" "true"
and then in the Device Section, add the option:
  Option "monitor-TV" "TVOutput"
Reference: [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2944730]
If you would like 3D acceleration then you must download and install the proprietary drivers from Nvidia here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
To install these drivers:
1) install build-essentials from Synaptic
2) Download the drivers from the link above to your home directory
3) When the download completes hit Ctrl-ALT-F1 to drop to a console.
4) Login and type:
# sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
# sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run
If the file you download is newer that 100.14.11 make sure you modify the command appropriately
When asked, permit the installer to modify xorg.conf
Reboot: # sudo shutdown -r now
{{NOTE|With each new Kernel release this process must be repeated except you should tell the installer to not update xorg.conf}}
== Audio ==
Audio does not work out of the box, download and install the latest version of Alsa from CVS using the instructions here: [[http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Quick_Install]]
== Bugs ==
'''Font Issues on High-Res Screens:''' On high-res screens (15" 1680x1050), the default fonts are too bold above 8 or 9px (the exact number depends on the font). I have not heard people with normal-resolution screens complaining about this. You can easily see this by running gnome-specimen and gradually stepping up the font size. At some point (usually around 8-9px) the font will turn bold.
'''Suspend/Hibernate:''' Suspend has major problems. Suspend-to-disk always hangs, and the only suspend-to-ram command I've gotten to work at all is "s2ram -f -a1". About half the time s2ram never resumes, and usually when it fails to resume it just shows a blank console with "Linux!" written in the upper left. However, even when it does resume to the desktop, it invariably does something very odd: It *loses* a processor and a half. Before running s2ram you can do a "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and see two processors running at ~1800MHz, but after resuming from a s2ram, the same command will only show a single processor running at ~900MHz, and any further suspends will completely hang the system. Very bizarre.
'''Console Switching:''' After a while of running in X mode, it becomes impossible to switch to a console and see anything. I've not figured out any pattern here, but this is what eventually happens after a few hours: You do a Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or F2 or whatever) to go from X to a console, and all you see is a blank screen. The console is actually there and running -- you just cannot see it. You can log in blind and type commands into the console and they'll run just find; you just cannot see what you're doing.

Latest revision as of 12:36, 3 November 2016